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英语含义:wide pair; broad and double; broadly and doubly; pair of width; a pair of objects that are wide or spacious, also implies a broad range or vast space of some sort, such as wide rooms, wide streets; (in traditional Chinese) open shoulders to embrace a guest; double standard for width.
英语含义:wide frost; broad frost; extensive frost; describing a wide range or vast expanse that is white and similar to the characteristics of frost. The term could be a metaphor for things covered by frost in a broad and loose manner. Also implies a large area experiencing extreme cold and frost, symbolizing long-term hardship and suffering, figuratively similar to 'battle-scarred' or 'seasoned'. It could also be used to describe someone whose hair or facial features suggest they have experienced a lot of hardships. In addition, "wide" describes an abstract property or status, while "frost" defines a physical phenomenon; their combination produces a compound of physical-abstract interpretation, leading to varied explanations. "Wide frost" may be related to broad fields covered in white, possibly pertaining to areas or seasons where frost occurs, and might indicate times of difficulty or harsh life stages; or white and wide hair at temples of aged people; an allusion to extensive salt fields or silver-coated surface, or even a facial description. Alternatively, it might convey an archaic or literary allusion, depending on context.
英语含义:wide and refreshing; spacious and pleasant; broad and comfortable; wide and invigorating. Used to describe open spaces that are refreshing and comfortable. Extended meaning to include a person's character, meaning someone who is magnanimous, open-minded, and forthright. Implies having a wide mindset combined with a candid personality. Might also describe someone who is both tolerant and straightforward, with a wide heart and frank character. It suggests a lenient attitude towards others, giving them a lot of leeway. Additionally, it could describe material properties and the sensation of spaciousness, like something gentle, relaxed, loose, and airy, providing an effortless feel. It can denote swift, decisive actions without procrastination, allowing for flexibility and multiple approaches. It further extends to describe efficient and unimpeded work, suggesting that one is solving problems agilely, being unrestricted yet moving rapidly—unhindered in their tasks. "Wide" and "refreshing" together evoke a sense of ease and cheer, symbolizing a relaxed, carefree, efficient state of being. Moreover, it may suggest a leisurely feeling, or even an encouragement of spiritual relaxation and openness of the heart and mind. Also refers to wearing unconstrained and comfortable attire, representing a release or relief. It can imply that after washing the body and changing into clean, loose clothing, a person feels a mental clarity and openness; approaching a natural state of being; figuratively relaxed, at ease, unburdened. It hints at a cultural phenomenon, suggesting that these relaxed individuals prefer clothing that is spacious and unrestrictive, in harmony with the Taoist principles of simplicity and effortlessness found in 'wu wei'. These terms are metaphorically tied to those seeking simplicity and spiritual retreat from worldly affairs, promoting mental liberation. In business or leadership contexts, 'wide' and 'refreshing' might imply a management style that's open-minded, fostering creativity and well-being, and allowing for flexibility. Furthermore, 'wide' and 'refreshing' are linked to an attitude of openness, suggesting freedom from constraints.